Join Nika AnNon in energetic sacred safe space to nurture resiliency

Nurturing Resiliency

A gentle and powerful energetic healing to reawaken the intelligence of the pelvic brain within your multidimensional being, nurturing your innate resiliency.

In a session I create a sacred safe container enveloping our fields and holding you in scared space inviting you to relax into an altered state of consciousness. inviting in healing energies, the ancestors, entities of sky and earth, micro and macro to be guardians for your experience. This a foray into an supported altered state of consciousness, allowing your field to absorb of chi (prana) which I calibrate to resonate with your frequency making it available for absorption.

Through acknowledging and engaging the brain(s) with sensation, intention voice and thought relaxing into the complex multidimensionality of memory experience and understanding, we invite the pelvic brain to replenish and nourish itself by absorbing the radiance of the sun the pull of the earth and the scope of the cosmos to reorient and reclaim any parts any energy that need completion. Returning energy to the whole self which resources us in a gentle integrative ways. Clearing all that not longer serves returns energy to your present time reorienting to self and center. This builds resiliency in the pelvic brain and encourages a loving relationship with our incarnations.

This process takes about an hour. We can do it now over zoom or the phone.

This is a very deep gentle process,