I did some family constellation work last weekend (thank you Carol Shure). My family has a number of wonderful family stories going back numerous generations.  

It was an individual constellation where the facilitator and I allowed the visiting ancestors and entities to speak through us.  My request was to request that they support in my manifesting my bliss and sharing what I have been given to share.    

Carol’s invocation was lovely including elemental, spirit ancestors of blood line and heart, of plant and animal.  

The first ancestor which came to me was a tree,  there began the story that played out.  I have done much work in my life to release trauma, honoring but not re-experiencing it.  

A pattern with the directions emerged a vessel, created a transmission and release of archetypal wounding flowed through us.  

Ancestors stood behind me, mother’s family to the left, father's to the right, starting with mother's on the left and father's on the right. Such strength from the women and such sweetness from the fathers, then their partners joined them. 

I felt so supported so filled with their strength and purpose, sweetness and mysticism. 

This  a dream fragment from this morning. Feeling pushed by my ancestors, pressure from behind so I felt that I would stumble and fall, I asked them please support me.

The energy shifted from stumbling on my feet to being seated in the air and then their support lifting me so I am gently flying, I woke at peace and happy. 
